Saturday, November 3, 2007

Running a pint low

Literally. Yesterday was the blood drive at work and I haven't donated in a while, so I did this time. They say you should not do strenuous exercise for about 48 hours after donating, so I guess running with Ken about 19 hours after donating is breaking the rules. As I mentioned that I gave blood a few people were surprised that I was out running and running at a good pace. Many, including Ken, say they usually take a day or two off before running again after giving blood. As I was going along, I realized that I was a little weaker than normal. It's always tough running with Ken, and Mike-the other fast guy- was with us, but at about 2 miles I realized I wasn't going to make it the full 6 miles. Even if I pushed it, I thought I probably shouldn't as who knows how I'd feel. I didn't want to embarrass myself by becoming dizzy or something. I decided to turn around at 2.33 and head back. I walked a bit, then ran, then walked a bit more. Ken and Mike caught back up with me and I ran all the way back. I had to slow quite a bit as I was feeling a little weak in the legs---I think park of it was the giving blood, coupled with the strain of the leg workout on Wednesday. I told Ken I needed to slow, and he stuck with me all the way to the end.

Each stretch I walked, I stopped the Garmin. Since I turned around at 2.33, the run should have been about 4.66 or just a bit more. I thought I walked more, but luckily I didn't, as I ended up with:

Ran 4.5 miles in 41:25 (9:12/mile pace). Still not too bad overall.

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