Saturday, April 4, 2009

Running group this morning and it's supposed to be nice out (for spring.....30 ish degrees, very little wind, and SUNNY). Bill has 20 to do, so he left in the middle of the night.

I got going and basically ran by myself. Kristen, Jodie, and Melissa weren't back at the cars at 7am (they ran early), so I just got going. Had my music and wanted to see if I could run 6 miles...the longest I've run in several weeks. We were doing a new route (for me) starting at Jud's office and doing reverse Colonial. Although I got a little confused at times of where to go, I liked this route as it was new, quiet, and mostly nice trails.

As I was running, I realized that although I thought doing 6 miles would be "do-able" and not be too much of a stretch, not too much of an increase over previous weeks....but with doing 8.5 miles between Wed & Thursday, doing 6 more was a big stretch---14 total!!

The first 2-2.5 miles went well, then I started to get fatigued. Left hamstring started bothering me, and the right butt cheek starting hurting too. I realized I was turning my right leg in a bit and leaning in on the knee cuz I was getting tired. I concentrated on straightening my knee so that it wouldn't pull on the hip/butt.

I thought about turning around at 2.5, but thought I'd try to push it. I went to 3 miles, then stopped the watch and walked a bit just to catch my breath. I restarted the watch and headed back. At one big hill I really wanted to walk, but just kept pushing. Managed to struggle through finishing those last 3 miles without walking. My time was slower those final 3 miles, but still got all 6 done in less than a 9:30 overall pace (9:10ish for the first 3, 9:25ish for the second 3).

Total of 14.5 for the week...woo hoo!

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