Sunday, April 5, 2009

OK, today was a lazy day for both of us. In the late afternoon I told Bill that we both should work out and do legs, hamstrings, butt work again. It's been 6 days since Anna, and we don't see her til Wednesday again, so we should get another good workout in. Bill reluctantly changed and I 'trained' him for an hour. I picked out a bunch of exercises from my sheets to do and we got going. Did 2 minutes of jumping jacks, running, and jumprope to start, then did a workout for 55 minutes. Did superman stretches, sideways walking in a squat position with a latex band, side leg lifts for the butt, hamstring curls, one legged bridges, lunges with bicep curls and shoulder presses, back-to-back oblique medicine ball handoffs, plank with going to a T-stand, and squats holding a weight like we did with Anna (some only going 1/2 way down). It was a good workout that we both did together.

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