Saturday, January 26, 2008

For the first time since the 1/5, I'm with the group for a Saturday run. We were in Florida on 1/12 and I only ran 1.75, then last week was too cold and I just went to the gym. Today was cold, but not as bad as it has been. It snowed last night, so it was a sloppy run. Also, there was a good wind (about 10-12mph) from the south.

Ran the Panera run with Ken. The run is about 5.8, so we ran a little extra just to get the 6.0 in.

Ran 6 miles in 54:52 (9:06/mile pace). The first 3.1 was faster, running a 8:46 average pace. The final 3 or so were mostly into the wind so they were slower.

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