Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, I kind of cheated today on my "20 minutes of exercise rule". Knee's still tender so I was going to get up and do an Ab workout today. As I got up from bed, I realized how sore my abs and obliques still were from Monday night....nope, another ab workout wouldn't be a good idea.

I have both softball and tennis again tonight. At softball, I had one good hit that had me get most of the way around the bases, and two great fly catches that had me running a bit, plus some other backup runs. Then at tennis we had lots of deuces and a tie-breaking set. Since it's doubles, it's not alot of running, but some. Plus it's a workout of my arms, legs, and core so it's kind of like a strength and flexibility workout. Unfortunately that's all I did so it wasn't a concentrated workout, so I feel like I cheated a bit. Yet, when I started this challenge, the whole goal came from me thinking that I had no excuse not to do at least 20 minutes of activity a day. Ultimately, it was to get me off my butt and not just sit around when I really have at least 20 minutes every day I could do "something". Therefore I guess being on a softball league and tennis summer league does just that---it's something to get me active in at least a little way.

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