Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lighthouse Run today, and of course--it's a swelter. It's really hot, pushing 80 degrees, with 85%+ humidity. I got going with Melissa and Kristin and by mile 2-3 I was really struggling. Knee felt fine, but mentally I was struggling with the heat and my body just felt like it couldn't move. I really debated turning south at the 4-mile turn, but they told me know. Then as we approached 3 mile Rd and I realized we were only at 4 miles, I was convinced I needed to quit. I just couldn't imagine doing that for 6 more miles. Kristin's foot was really bothering her so she wanted to walk a bit. I decided to walk with her, then see how I felt. We walked, ran, walked, ran for the next 2 or so miles. She was really struggling, and the walk breaks helped me. By just before 6 miles, there was nothing to do but finish as that's by Shoop and the shortest way back is to just finish. Kristin said she just couldn't run anymore and told me to go on. I started running and actually felt OK. Ended up running the whole thing with a few walk breaks here and there, particularly at water stops. Needed lots of water, to drink and to dump down my back.

It wasn't pretty, but I finished in 1:39:24....10 minutes slower than I wanted to. About a minute a mile slower, due to the unbearable heat. I probably could have been 1-3 minutes faster as I walked more with Kristin than I needed to, but that's about all I could have cut off. And if it wasn't for her, I probably would have quit completely so I needed her.

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