Sunday, June 7, 2009

As mentioned last week, Bill decided Sunday would be a day of running drills. His original idea was just intervals, but I mentioned doing hill workout (remembering my Chicago St hill workout from several Sundays ago) would be a good combo to training. Today's our first one and we chose Gateway hill. I wanted to mix it up a bit, so I suggested we do the hill, then jog over to the stairs and do stairs. So we started with a 1 mile jog, then started going up the hill. Kristin and I started at our regular running pace, only to be passed quickly by Melissa and Bill teasing us---you're supposed to charge the hill to make it tougher, not just jog up it! So Kristin and I picked it up. Went up and down, jogged over to the stairs, up then down, then back to hill. Did that four times, then took a quick water break. Decided that although it was tough, I could do 2 more. After those two, I was done! Tired, and my knee was starting to bother me. Waited for the rest, then jogged a 1 mile cooldown. Overall it turned out to be 4.5 miles total.

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