Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oooooh boy is it windy today. 20-30 mph winds and it's only about 40 degrees or so. Not really feeling like running in this. It's a little frustrating as I needed to get a long run in this weekend. I decided to at least do a little, so I went to All Saints.

Ran 2 miles on the treadmill, did a bit of walking, then 2 minutes walking backwards and a bit more walking. Not a lot, but at least something.

1 comment:

Gary Folk said...

Hey, I have asked Bill a couple of times if you would like me to drive you around the course while Bill is running! I know you help him out on the side lines! I planned to come down and watch him run for the first time! Let me know if thats ok with you!

P.S. This is the worst sinus season down in here in some time! Don't know if that will effect you or him through your runs!